Your Cost for Shingles Vaccinations Will Go Down in 2023

Whew! Coming down the home stretch in the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) for Medicare, which ends this week on Wednesday, December 7. It has been very busy this season, a good sign that seniors are more knowledgeable, weighing their options and making changes that benefit them.

One reminder - many vaccines will be covered at $0 copay starting January 1, through your Medicare Advantage plan or your Part D prescription drug plan. This will be a big savings, in particular, for Shingrix, the vaccine for shingles. Previously, prescription drug coverage for this vaccine was usually at a tier that was subject to deductible and required a high copay. No longer - this vaccine and many others will be covered at $0 copay in 2023.

For more information on the new coverage for vaccines check out the article here.


Shingles is a viral infection caused by the same virus as chicken pox—the varicella-zoster virus. It starts as a painful rash on one side of the face or body and develops into blisters. The blisters continue to form over 3–5 days and eventually dry and crust over. Healing can take between 2–4 weeks, but shingles can leave scars and permanent pigmentation changes.

Older adults who develop shingles are often surprised at how painful it is. Many say that it is far more painful than the original chickenpox virus that affected them in childhood. Often the skin in the area of the rash continues to hurt even after the rash has healed.

The individual may feel stabbing or throbbing or even weakness. Doctors call this post-herpetic neuralgia, and it can sometimes last for months or even years.

This is an important preventive measure for those of us over 65. Now it will be available to most seniors at $0 out of pocket cost.

Have an enjoyable and safe holiday season.

Yours in good health,

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Federal Officials Propose Tougher Rules on Medicare Advantage Plans


Some important news on Medicare costs was announced